Anouncement: As of 4/10/2022, I have retired from taking orders for custom-made shelf-nut blanks. The few blanks I have in stock are still available for order by the numbers assigned in the Shelf-Nut Blanks In Stock table.
The price per item is $32.50. Additional costs may apply for additional features or services. If what you need is listed here, then you can enter it’s Item Number on the order form.
Installing a compensated nut is quite a challenging task – though I encourage DIY, please consider your qualifications and also please review Shelf Nut Installation Tips before ordering.
Shelf nuts are available in “bleached” or “unbleached” bone. Bleaching may leave faint traces of color or streaking, as too much bleaching would weaken the bone. The amber-brown color in the unbleached bone that I have is generally quite subtle and quite variegated. Both types will polish up well when finished.
Shelf-nut Blanks in Stock
These items are ready for immediate shipment, and can be ordered by their item number on the order form, below.

Unbleached Classical/Flat
Slot width = .244″
Shelf width = .11
Shelf height = .12″
Height below shelf = .285″
Length=2.12″ Price:$32.50

Unbeached Classical/Flat
Slot width = .252″
Shelf width = .10
Shelf height = .12″
Height below shelf = .270″
Length=2.18″ Price:$32.50

Unbeached Classical/Flat
Slot width = .260″
Shelf width = .10
Shelf height = .009″
Height below shelf = .265″
Length=2.14″ Price:$32.50

Unbleached Radius = 9.5″
Slot width = .125″
Shelf width = .10″
Shelf height = .09″
Height below shelf = .190″
Length= 1.95″Price: $32.50

Unbleached Radius = 12″
Slot width = .150″
Shelf width = .12″
Shelf height = .12″
Height below shelf = .285″
Length = 2.2″ Price: $32.50

Bleached Radius = 15″
Slot width = .225″
Shelf width = .10
Shelf height = .11″
Height below shelf = .330″
Length = 2.1″ Price: $32.50

UnBleached Radius = 16″
Slot width = .251″
Shelf width = .10
Shelf height = .10″
Height below shelf = .330″
Length = 2.2″ Price: $32.50

Unbleached Radius = 16″
Slot width = .260″
Shelf width = .10
Shelf height = .10″
Height below shelf = .340″
Length = 2.0″ Price: $32.50

Unbleached Radius = 16″
Slot width = .260″
Shelf width = .10
Shelf height = .10″
Height below shelf = .310″
Length = 2.0″ Price: $32.50
Order Shelf Nut Blanks
To order an item, please fill out your information on this form with an Item number from above.
When I receive your order, I will review the data, determine the item and shipping cost, and the shipping date. I will then send you an invoice. When it is paid, I will ship it to you..
It is of ultimate importance, and is your responsibility, that your order is based on correct data for your instrument. This necessitates taking accurate measurements, and perhaps contacting your guitar manufacturer for information, if it (such as the fret board radius) is not included in their specifications. please review Shelf Nut Installation Tips before ordering.
The price per item is $32.50. Additional costs may apply for additional features or services.
Multiple item order discounts: Orders of 3 or more items will be discounted 10%, to 29.90 per item. Orders of 6 or more items will be discounted 15%, to 27.62 per item.
Sales tax of 8.6% is applicable only if you are in the state of WA, or a state in cooperation.
Shipping cost to the United States is $5 and up, USPS Ground Advantage, with delivery within 5 days, excluding Sundays. Additional items add little or no postage cost.
You will not be committed to purchase until you have received an invoice and made payment.